The 31st Annual Piedmont Classic Chevy Club Car Show is Saturday May 29, 2021 Memorial Day Weekend. This year we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the 70 & 71 Chevrolet. Location Change: Wake County Speedway
Open Show to Cars & Trucks USA Makes 1996 or Older ONLY
(Sorry No vehicles displayed newer than 1996)
Photo Plaques Door Prizes –Music -50/50 -Food
Registration: 8 am to 12 noon -$20 or until lot is full.
(No pre-registration -no rain date) -Awards presented at 3 pm. Free to spectators
Proceeds from the car show are to benefit Raleigh’s “Hilltop Home” . Hilltop Home is a local Raleigh private, nonprofit residential center that serves children with severe developmental and medical disabilities.